← PortfolioClass A
The iCUBE business center is located within walking distance from Profsoyuznaya metro station, and in close proximity to Leninsky and Nakhimovsky avenues. There is a fast-charging station for electric vehicles on the business center premises, accessible not just to the business center tenants, but also to all city residents.
Key tenants: ABB, Miele, Alfa Leasing.
iCUBE is certified according to the BREEAM international standards for assessing buildings’ environmental performance. Part 1 – Very Good, Part 2 – Excellent.
O1 Standard services:
- Operation and maintenance
- Commercial management of the facility
- Infrastructure management
- Organizing the operation of tenant offices.
Client: O1 Properties
About the complex

Address: 58, Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Moscow
GBA: 22 646 sq.m.
NRA: 19 177 sq.m.
Parking: 215 parking spaces
Management Office
Phone: +7 495 741 19 65

Certificate holder