April 3, 2020. In connection with the Russian government’s announcement of extension of non-working week till April 30, O1 Standard is extending the weekend operation regime till further announcement from the government.
As part of the tenants are continuing to work, access to business centres remains open for their employees. Support services will proceed working in standby regime: only employees whose jobs are necessary to ensure functioning of the buildings will remain at their posts.
O1 Standardmanagement company is taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus at business centres:
- All employees of O1 Standard as well as employees of contractor companies undergo a mandatory thermometry procedure and an external examination to check for signs of illness.
- Visitor control and reception staff are wearing medical masks.
- Building surfaces on which viruses and bacteria can remain active for an extended period of time (door handles, elevator buttons, turnstiles) are disinfected with antibacterial agents once every 30 minutes.
- Hand sanitizers have been installed at all entrances to business centres.
- A thermometry system for all tenant employees and external guests has been introduced at some business centres.
O1 Standard is taking all necessary preventative measures, while ensuring that high-quality building services are maintained at business centres.